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Asare Opong School District

Cricket Cutover


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Visual Media Projects

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Wacom Closeup

"We didnt think about having a shorter version of our presskit to grab attention more easily. I'm sending it to our localization manager which is the one that wrote the previous presskit…"

We Are Bots Studio

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Portfolio and CV

Projects can be Accessed on the Header bar on the Home Page

In addition to graduating with Honors from a top 100 University, I've had considerable work experience in the Communications field. My Independent Portfolio, ranging from work with the BECE in the Ghanaian Asare Opong School district, to providing Public Relations for a Gaming studio, is available above on the Header Bar, but each piece has a summary Below. Following is my CV, the highlights of my career and my three major contributions to Communications via fieldwork.

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Asare Opong School District Project

Technical Editing and Review should be a regular process for your Company or Party's media, collateral and projects. Everything from Employee Handbooks to Presentations benefit from a professional overhaul by a technical editor and PR specialist (both Comms qualifications).

Adjusting Mixer

Communications Cutover Recommendations (Cricket/Hargray)

After the sale of Hargray's Cellular network to Cricket Communications there were a number of issues noted. A recommendation report is a professional way to bring a project's successes and failures to upper management's attention.

Ethical Review, Consent Forms

Consent is an incredibly important part of scientific research. All research stands for peer review, but methodology in particular should undergo regular scrutiny. An Ethical Review is a great way to raise the standards of your Corporation or Party, and any project can benefit.

Wacom Closeup
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Backgrounder Wes Shumar

Similar to Boilerplate statements, Backgrounders are important portions of your Company or Party's Media Packets. They provide highlights and answer Frequently Asked Questions, providing the media with a polished understanding of your Officer.

Press Release We Are Bots Studios

In addition to updating their Press Kit I had the pleasure of helping We Are Bots, a Paris based gaming studio, create a Press Release for their launch of Drift Into Eternity. Press Releases are a professional and standardized way of letting editors in your field know that there is an event going on and inviting them to write about it, or contact you.

All Projects are Available along the Header Bar

You can access any of the above projects by clicking on it's title in the header bar (click More if you do not see the title listed)

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Professional History

Major Projects and Work History

In addition to graduating with Honors from a top 100 University, I've had considerable work experience in the Communications field. My Independent Portfolio, ranging from work with the BECE in the Ghanaian Asare Opong School district, to providing Public Relations for a Gaming studio, is available above. Below are a list of my three major contributions to Communications via fieldwork.

Home: CV
Wacom Closeup

Project Manager/ Educator

April 2011 - March 2012

Planned and implemented a modern marketing initiative, worked in tandem with the Director of Operations to initiate email, social media and blog based marketing. Created a four course education series for adult learners on the use of social media, email marketing, blogging and websites in the Real Estate profession. Engaged students ranging in age from 30-65 in effectively using social media to engage online consumers, integrating iPads and smartphones into their sales procedures, email marketing, blogging, and other technological tools.

  • Researched, condensed, and made information on a wide variety of subjects available through a dynamic, interactive learning environment

  • Received an average rating of 90% for satisfaction and comprehension from adult student


Cricket Cutover Project Specialist/ Communications Specialist

October 2007 - May 2009

Train and assist other sales representatives and manage troubleshooting and sales for the Hargray Communications Network. Provide customer care, from troubleshooting technical issues to resolving billing discrepancies, and manage and debug the sale of cellular from Hargray to Cricket Communications.

  • Trained employees in all levels of Comms systems

  • Received Hargray Hero award for leading the Hilton Head store during the Cricket Cutover

Adjusting Mixer


November 2005 - April 2007

Responsible for customer care, problem resolution across departments, as well as all retail interactions. Trained every employee hired in 2006 on network functionality, device use and customer care. Responsible for personal monthly and quarterly sales goals.

  • Was selected as command center representative, coordinating all issues, for the launch of the Cincinnati market

  • Received two Leap Stars for outstanding customer service, was top sales representative for two quarters and in the top three for two quarters


Boost Sales

Without Marketing

Anne Jindra (Public Relations)


            I didn't go to school for programming (ok, I did, but after one too many edits errors I realized parsing errors were not for me, and changed course). I went for Communications. I specialize in internet sales.

 I've studied it, taught it, and done it. Then I started doing the same thing that you do; I went into business. After banging my head against one too many bosses with less education, less motivation, and less vision than I had, I just went out and did it. And I love it.

So, here we are, me writing a Press Release and you reading it. (That's what this is by the way, and you should have one - you send it to every media outlet or site when you launch your product, or re-launch it, and find media outlets that you missed).

            I used to tell my hiring managers that the easiest thing in the world to hire for is sales. If you want to hire the person, do it, that's their sale. So if you read this, you know it works, and you're going to lose your mind when you see what I just did here get applied to the internet, and your business.

I'll add one thing you won't see in a Press Kit, which is my pay scale. I work at a flat rate to manage kits, contacts and channels (my lowest package is $50 a month) - until you get your sales bump. Once your sales rates go up by 25% (i.e. you start making 25 percent more sales than you were before I worked for you) then I earn a commission of 10%, moving forward.


About the Strategy:

            I do a content overview where I review every aspect of your company that produces media - the kits you send out, your websites, and the content on your social media channels. I don't program (see the above for how I feel about coding), I recommend, or change, content and style- depending on my access levels.

            Once you've reviewed my media recommendations (your first $50 month) you select where you'd like your points allocated. Do you want one media stream (like Facebook or Twitter) managed so you can see what happens? Or do you want periodic updates across all of them, including your press kits. Take your pick, I don't really get paid until you do.  

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I’m always on the lookout for new collaborations and clients, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Savannah, GA

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